Jan 8, 2010

Oh Ji Ho in Couple or Trouble (2006)

Oh Ji Ho
in Couple or Trouble (2006)

A light-hearted romantic comedy from South Korea inspired by the 1987 film Overboard staring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel. If you can get your hand on this series, it is definitely worth checking out. It is 16 episode long, as a person who dislike series, it is a manageable length. (Even then I still think some trimming in the last couple of episodes could've made the series even more enjoyable.)

Even when the plot is at a stand still, the chemistry between the two leads is so strong, one can just watch them and ignore everything else. For someone who is not Korean, Oh Ji Ho came as a complete surprise; HE IS HOT! And the producers definitely know this, thoughout the series there are moments where his diaplay of physique is wirtten into the plot, what a wonderful idea!

I'll leave you guys with this final remark; when he smiles, isn't he just like a Korean version of Eddie Cibrian?


  1. For Oh Ji Ho I recommend the film La Belle , the beautifully-shot erotic film with lots of sex scenes.
