Dec 18, 2011

Robert Winston in Blood Thirst (1971)

Robert Winston in Blood Thirst (1971)

*Thanks to Anonymous for the suggestion
My peculiar obsession with old B-movies continues. I was unaware of this particular title until someone left me a note at the suggestion post. (On a side-note, sparky2379 recommended I Eat Your Skin, another B-horror film that is worth checking out for Mr. William Joyce. Unfortunately the DVD quality is not the clearest, so I forego capping it for the blog.)

What a find this is! I really enjoyed this silly little b/w horror—perfect balance of cheesiness and some relatively well done suspense. At the center of it all, Mr. Winston, playing a hired American detective  to solve a series of mysterioud murders on foreign land. I was a bit put off by his acting initially, really trying too hard to shove the strong-minded, womanizing American stereotype down our throat. But all that was forgiven once his shirt started to come off—yummy!

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