Aug 18, 2023

Andrés García in Tintorera! (1977)

Tintorera! (1977) is a Spanish attempt at recreating the success of Jaws, about a story of a man-eating shark... Actually, the shark plot only consists about 10% of the movie, the rest of it portrays the battles between two men for a woman's affection.

Of course, at the sight of Mr. Garcia, I can sit through even the most horrible crap. The natural, hairy torso, that structurally refined face, and those eyes! He is a textbook example of lover material. The film takes every opportunity to lose his shirt, and thanks to this, while the beast of the sea is nowhere in sight, the beast to our delight is constantly there to satisfy! I need Andrés García to accompany me on a tropical vacation.


  1. reminds me of warren beatty - those teeth!

  2. papacito !! me encanta este macho.... siempre me gusta ver sus peliculas para verlo en calzoncillos, estaba buenisimo!!
