Oct 23, 2009

Alex McArthur in Devil in the Flesh (1998)

Alex McArthur in Devil in the Flesh (1998)
more info about this film @ IMDB

So the other day I rented Route 666, hoping to get some skin time from Lou Diamond Phillips... No such luck. (but he sure looks good in this film.) One of the supporting role is played by Alex McArthur; it was a completely useless character, but my instinct tells me this guy is worth checking out.

And I did, and I was not wrong!

The first film from his filmography that grabbed my attention is this, basically a re-working of Poison Ivy. It is a harmless watch. His shirtless scenes are quite brief, and not with the best lighting condition. Is it just me, or does he give out a similar vibe as Daniel Craig?

And one last thing, if you look closely at one of the capture, that's one big bulge there, isn't it? Excited to do the scene, I suppose.


  1. Anyway I could get a zip of these caps? trunksoct6@yahoo.com

  2. more of him please!!!
