Apr 4, 2012

Sean Connery in Dr. No (1962)

 The Film

James Bond 007 is Britain's top agent, and is on an exciting mission, to solve the mysterious murder of a fellow agent. The task sends him to Jamaica, where he joins forces with Quarrel and a loyal C.I.A. Agent, Felix Leiter. While dodging tarantulas, "fire breathing dragons", and a trio of assassins, known as "the three blind mice". Bond meets up with the beautiful Honey Ryder and goes face to face with the evil Dr. No.—IMDB Synopsis

Nothing ever beats classics, and Mr. Connery is at the peak of his form in this film.


  1. Sean. Connery. Every. Day. Please.

  2. He was so handsome and masculine, just like the character was written in the novels. The most recent 007 is handsome and masculine too, but in a different way.
