Dec 6, 2011

Steve Doubet in The Silent Scream (1980)

Steve Doubet in The Silent Scream (1980)

It has been an insane couple days... time for a brainless horror film from the 80s. I was entertained throughout this little horror gem, besides, it has Barbara Steele making a brief appearance, which is kind of interesting for me since I've recently saw Bava's Black Sunday.

Really wasn't going to screencap anything at first, since no male actor in the film really jumps out at me for their good look. (And I've never heard of any of them.) But as the film progresses, Mr. Doubet starts to grow on me, and sure enough, he pretty much has his shirt open for the entire last act. Lean with a nice amount of body hair, nothing to complain about. (Oh, actually yes, a haircut would be nice...)

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