Nov 27, 2011

Hugh O'Brian in Ten Little Indians (1965)

The Film

Up to a house high on a mountain top have been invited ten people who are strangers to each other. When they are all gathered, they hear from their host that each one of them has in someway caused the death of an innocent person and that justice had not be served in their cases. There are eight guests and two servants there for the weekend, but one by one, they are being knocked off according to the poem of "Ten Little Indians". As the number of survivors decreases, they begin to believe that the killer is one of the group, but are unable to decide on which one he or she may be.—IMDB Synopsis

So, it's approaching winter once again, what better than staying inside a cozy apartment, watching expertly adapted murder mystery film based on Agatha Christie's all time classic? Oh, when the said film features Mr. O'Brian, shirtless! But truth to be told, I would have enjoyed this film just as much, without Mr. O'Brian's presence, it is well paced, tense and comes with a beautiful B/W cinematography. I highly recommend checking this out.

As an aside, what's the connection between hot studs and Agatha Christie adaptation? First there's Nicholas Clay, now Hugh O'Brian? Looks like I know what kind of films I need to load on my Netflix queue!


  1. Loved the movie and especially loved him!

  2. Great book. I just noticed that in these movies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, there were more mature and hairy men taking off their shirts, now it seems the opposite. This guy has got to be in his fifties and that's fine by me.
