Feb 6, 2011

Paul Michael Glaser in Jealousy (1984)

Paul Michael Glaser in Jealousy (1984)

As I'm slowly discovering, one of the awesome thing about Instant Netflix is the number of old TV movies available for streaming; which is always a good resource for uncovering hunks from the past I've missed. And here we have Mr. Glaser.

I'm not familiar with his works, but definitely willing to find out more! That body with just the right amount of fur, beautiful. Lately I'm drawn more toward male faces with rugged, masculine features, much more than the refined, standard characteristic of what a "leading man face" should be, and Mr. Glaser is a perfect visualization of what I'm lusting.

If you want to check out this not-so-great film, it is not too much to suffer either, as the anthology style film features 3 stories, and Mr. Glaser appears only in the very first story. Within the playtime of less than 30 minutes, he is always in various states of shiftlessness. (How nice of the writers to give his character swimming as his favorite pastime.) Definitely worthwhile to see the scenes in motion.

If you have any idea where I can see more of his hotness, (I notice he is in the original Starsky and Hutch, any worthwhile episode there?) please leave me a note! (On the other hand, you can leave other viewing suggestion at the suggestion post!)


  1. As an original Starsky and Hutch fan from the seventies, I would say that ALL of them are worthwile. Though you only get to see him shirtless in a few episodes. A Coffin for Starsky (Starsky centric) and The Fix (Hutch centric with Starsky as the comforter) are two of the best. The Plague, in season three, is where he looks his absolute best (his hair is longer, which on him is delicious), and for me, it's right up there with the first two I mentioned.

  2. I think you should start with the pilot episode of Starsky & Hutch. The steam room scene gives you a good idea as to what you'll be looking at for the rest of the show. Steamy Starsky is nice to "think" about. Plus the running up and down stairs in tight blue jeans, well that's nice to watch also. You'll understand. Very "shoot first-ask questions later."
    PMG also did a nice Harry Houdini bio pic. Good luck finding that.
    By the way, Bravo to you for this post! Thanks!

  3. I am much more of a Hutch fan. Starsky looks and sounds way too much like my older brother.
