Oct 1, 2010

John Abraham in Dostana (2008)

John Abraham in Dostana (2008)
more info about this film @ IMDB

I remember I read from somewhere this is actually quite a significant film in Bollywood history, as it is the first time gay relationship (albeit an artificial one) is portrayed in a mainstream film from India.

Having say that, the film itself is just your typical Bollywood love-comedy-musical: cute, colorful and overstay its welcome. By the time the second hour commences, the story just comes to a halt, and stays there for another 40 minutes until the big musical finale. Which is unfortunate because the first hour is actually well paced and quite engaging. Mr. Abraham is quite attractive here, though there are some oddities in the appearance of his physique- perhaps it is a tad too refined, missing a bit of organic charm.

Still, it is good to see Indian films gradually become more open minded, because there sure are a lot of good looking Bollywood actors out there!


  1. For John Abraham I recommend the film Paap and Jism (the Body)

  2. I agree with you about those oddities. With such a dark beard shadow, can he really be so hairless and smooth like a woman below his neck? He doesn't even have hair below his navel.If I slept in a tub of Nair, I could never get that hairless.
