Apr 11, 2012

Sam Neill in Country Life (1994)

The Film

Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920's. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.—IMDB Synopsis

Though he might not have the tightest body, I love watching him perform, (and his voice!) he sure looks his best in period attire.

1 comment:

  1. There aren't many caps of Sam shirtless, I think he's a good looking man, so I appreciate that you posted these. I agree, he's not the tightest, but I like how his body is manly. Thanks!
