Apr 5, 2010

William Petersen in Curacao (1993)

William Petersen in Curacao (1993)

I love this guy! But pinpointing the exact reason why is slightly more difficult; I guess it is the combination of the unique, authoritative voice, the gentleman demeanor, and fierce look in his eyes.

The film itself is a nice little thriller, nothing grandeur, but it offers fair amount of suspense and entertainment (It's a TV movie, after all.) Mr. Petersen is perfect in the role of a CIA agent in hiding. A little disappointing in the shirtless department, as scenes are often dimly lit, and camera angles are never at the right place... Damn! Oh well, there's always Kiss the Sky for that (Still need to make captures from that movie.)

This film has been released in DVD format under the name CIA: Exiled, guess the publisher wants to cash in on his CSI fame as much as possible...



  1. more caps of this movie please! and also another movie of him!!
