Nov 11, 2009

Eiji Okada in Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)

Eiji Okada in Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
more info about this film @ IMDB

A lyrical, haunting film. The film is all about atmosphere; the facial expressions, the scenery, all soaks under the beautiful black and white cinematography.

Not well known at all in the Western world, Eiji Okada played a Japanese architect who fell in love with a French actress. His performance is wonderfully grounded and subtle; even more amazing when I later found out he phonetically performed all his french dialogs. (and it was quite a talky role) I know a bit of French and it never dawns on me that was what he had done! Incredible!

I love his face; it doesn't scream out "hotness," but there is an aura of kindness and the structure just photographed so well. And his voice!

Check out the opening sequence via Youtube. The melancholy mood, the spoken words, the slow pans- everything just works. Definitely far, far away from mainstream, but do give it a chance, it might well be a film you will never forget.


  1. Eiji Okada, perfeito!
    Mas onde encontramos sua biografia?
    Por que tão pouco restou sobre ele?
    Adorei seu espaço!!!

  2. I've loved "Hiroshima, Mon Amour" and Eiji was so handsome and poetic. I totally agree, his had all, he had the perfect face, the perfect voice.
