Nov 16, 2009

Dean Cochran in Air Marshal (2003)

Dean Cochran in Air Marshal (2003)
more info about this film @ IMDB

The very definition of a good bad movie.

Cheesy, over the top acting, overly simplified logic, plot holes and explosions! Let the fun begins!
Dean Cochran is very likable in this role... Not saying his acting skill is the greatest, but it is easy to watch him on the screen. I'm pretty sure most of the time I'm just watching him, and not caring where the story is going.

It is great there exists a lengthy shot of him changing shirt, (which by the way, is completely useless to the narrative.) had a blast capping that scene. His body is great, naturally toned and beefy.

I don't mind watch more of his bad films, just promise me he will lose his shirt. Because Shark Zone... that was just mean.

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